Power BI Reporting

Use Power BI Reporting to monitor your Irth system data. The Power BI Reporting functionality comes from the Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) service, which is embedded in your Irth system. For this reason, most of the documentation needed to use Power BI is maintained by Microsoft, not Irth. See the Microsoft topic Basic concepts for the Power BI service business user.

One hour after your last interaction with the system, Power BI times out, which means any unsaved edits are lost (data is unaffected). Irth recommends saving your work frequently.

In the upper left corner under File, do not use the Save As option. All other save options can be used.

Report Screen Explained

Use this screenshot to understand the main features of the Self-Service Reports screen. The names in the screenshot are used in this document and the linked Microsoft documentation so knowing them will greatly increase your knowledge of this feature.

The screenshot identifies the main parts of the screen: 

  • Red: Location and name of screen element (these names are used throughout both this documentation and the Microsoft documentation)

  • Green: How data (measures and dimensions) is visualized and filtered