
Use the Productivity feature to track the item views and actions, page views, and time usage of your users. To create or modify a productivity watch, click Modify in the upper right corner of the screen or go to Productivity Analysis.

Productivity Watch

A Productivity Watch has a row for each user with columns listing the times they viewed a page or item (and any actions taken); it also lists unproductive time. The timeline (in the Actions column) shows the actions and views when they occurred.

Column/Timeline Description

The total number of actions per day between the start and end times

Timeline: Shows actions and views per day between the start and end times and unproductive time

Item (link) Link to Item Summary showing the item
Item Actions The number of items created or updated
Item Views The number of items viewed (items or tickets)
Page Views The number of pages viewed (screens in the system)
Points per Hour The total points per hour
Ticket (link) Link to Item Summary showing the item
Total Points The total points per day
Total Time The total time per day
Unproductive Time The shading shows the period of unproductive time as defined by the unproductive time threshold, which is the percentage of time not viewing pages or items (or taking actions on them) between the first and last actions taken in a day


The Timeline shows actions and views per day between the start and end times. It also shows unproductive time, which is the percentage of time not viewing pages or items (or taking actions on them) between the first and last actions taken in a day.

Actions and Views on the Timeline

View the timeline to see each user's actions and items in chronological order for a given day.

  1. To show or hide the timeline, at the end of a user row, click Timeline
  2. In the timeline, put the cursor on the colored circle. Result: A window appears that shows the action/item circle in a larger (zoomed in) view
  3. In the window, put the cursor on the item/action circle. Result: Another window appears with details:

    • Time of view or action
    • Name of page or action
    • ID number of the ticket or item you performed the action on
  4. Optional. Click the ID number of the ticket or item to view it in a new browser tab or window