Billing Configuration

Use Billing Configuration to set billing rates and manage customers.

Responses and Rates, Prices, and Charges

Billing starts when you respond to a ticket.

Bills can have two kinds of charges:

Charge/Rate/Price Description
Response: Unit Rate/Price and Flat Rate/Price These charges apply to each response on a given ticket
Ticket: Flat Charge per Ticket (Ticket Base Price) This charge applies to all tickets with a given registration code. It is applied by the first response (even if the response has no price/rate of its own)

The system adds all charges per ticket response to create a total price.

In the Billing Summary, each ticket’s responses are separate bills (row/line), including responses without charges.

All responses show up in the Billing Summary, whether they have charges or not. If a ticket has a flat ticket price, the first response bills it, regardless of the response's price/rate.