Offline Mapping
Use the Offline Mapping feature to allow users to use map layers (MMPK files) in iOS, Android, and Windows versions of UtiliSphere when they are offline, based on their group membership. The map layers are automatically downloaded to iOS, Android, and Windows users when they sync their data.
Keep your offline maps current by using the Upload MMPK feature to replace old MMPK files with new ones (see Modify an Offline Mapping, step 3: Upload MMPK).

- On the top menu bar, click System Management (
) > Administration > General > Offline Mapping
- On the Offline Mapping Summary page, in the upper right, click Create New Offline Mapping
- On the New Offline Map page, fill in the fields. See Modify an Offline Mapping, step 3, below

- On the top menu bar, click System Management (
) > Administration > General > Offline Mapping
- On the Offline Mapping Summary page, in the Name column, click the Offline Mapping to modify
On the Offline Mapping page, fill in the fields
Map Details
Field Description Description A description of the offline mapping Download Over WiFi Only Restricts downloads to WiFi connections to avoid using other connections that could be slower or more expensive Last Upload The MMPK file's file name, size, and date of its most recent upload Name The name of the offline mapping Groups
The groups that can use the offline mapping
Upload MMPK
- In the upper right corner, click Upload MMPK
- On the Upload MMPK window, click Browse to find the MMPK file
- Select the file and click Open
- Click Upload
Save the offline mapping (or click Cancel to cancel the offline mapping):
- Save: Saves the offline mapping as a draft without activating it (the offline mapping is not available to your users the next time they sync)
- Save and Activate: Saves the offline mapping and activates it (as soon as you save the offline mapping, it is available to your users the next time they sync)

Deactivating an offline mapping means it is not available to users.
- On the Offline Mapping Summary page, in the Name column, click the offline mapping you want to deactivate
- On the Offline Mapping page, at the bottom of the page, click ...
- On the Deactivate window, click Deactivate. Result: The offline mapping is deactivated but remains on the Offline Mapping Summary page

There are two ways to view the history of changes to offline mappings:
- On either the Offline Mapping Summary page or an Offline Mapping page, in the upper right corner, click History.
In the History window:
Page Description Offline Mapping Page The list of all changes and the person who performed them Offline Mapping Summary Page The list of all changes to all processes and the people who performed them - Click Show Changes to see a description of the change