Missing Sequence

The Missing Sequence feature automatically detects missing tickets on a daily basis (tickets not received throughout the day) and lists them on the Missing Sequence page (and on the Alert Summary page). In order to use this feature, each one call center must:

  • Send sequences of tickets by registration code
  • Each ticket must have a unique sequence number to indicate the its place in the sequence sent by the one call center. Example: 3 is the third ticket sent on Tuesday from the one call center named MASDIG
  • Each registration code's sequence resets at 1 each day (each day, the first ticket from a registration code has a sequence number of 1)

When a sequence number is detected missing, it appears in the Missing Sequence Summary and an alert will be displayed for the user. This will be an indicator to contact the One Call Center and request the missing sequence to be resent to your company.    

Example: A one call center sends the its first sequence of tickets on Tuesday (sequence numbers 1-36), then a few hours later sends its next set (sequence numbers 40-53). Missing sequence numbers 37, 38, and 39 appear on the Missing Sequence page