Auto Process Override Rules
Auto Process Override Rules are applied before any Auto-Response, Auto-Folder Placement, or Auto-Assignment rules. When an Auto Process Override Rule is applied, no other processing rules will be applied.
Tickets are auto-processed in this order:
Processing Order | Category Type | Description |
1 | Auto Process Apply Recommendation Schedules | Auto Process Recommendation Schedules are used to delay the application of auto process rules to allow time for staff to review tickets |
2 | Auto Process Override Rules | Auto Process Override Rules are applied before any Auto-Response, Auto-Folder Placement, or Auto-Assignment rules. When an Auto Process Override Rule is applied, no other processing rules will be applied |
3 | Auto Response | The system automatically enters one of your responses to incoming tickets based on your facility location or using information provided on the One Call Center ticket |
4 | Auto Folder Placement | The system automatically places incoming tickets in a folder based on a registration code, information provided on the One Call Center ticket or a geographic area of responsibility |
5 | Auto Assignment | The system automatically assigns incoming tickets to a locator based on a registration code, information provided on the One Call Center ticket or a geographic area of responsibility. Auto-Assignment rules are only used if no matches are found on a folder placement rule |
An In Reference ticket is a kind of ticket that follows up or updates or references a previously-sent ticket. The system links the tickets based on custom parsing rules for each one call center. Some one call centers use In Reference tickets, but many do not use them.
- Click Configure In Reference Ticket Rule
On the Configure Ticket Version Update Rule page, choose the rules for new In Reference tickets and old versions of tickets. Each one call center has its own rules.
Rule Description Copy ticket information from the original ticket to the in reference ticket The system puts the ticket text from the original ticket in the new In Reference ticket Apply ticket version rules or auto process rules The system applies any relevant ticket version or auto process rules Close the ticket by adding response Choose the response to that closes ticket Put the ticket in the folder Choose the folder to assign the ticket to Assign ticket to locator Choose the locator to assign the ticket to Assign ticket to contractor Choose the contractor to assign the ticket to - Click Save
If a new ticket has the same registration code (not necessarily the same one call center) and ticket ID (or reference ticket ID) as an existing ticket, the system applies this rule as below. If auto processing rules or process automation rules are not used, both tickets are handled normally.
- Click Configure Ticket Version Update Rule
On the Configure Ticket Version Update Rule page, choose the rules for new tickets and old versions of tickets
When new version of a ticket is received: Rule For new tickets - Don't apply any ticket update rule
- Copy the folder and locator/contractor assignment info from the previous ticket
- By one call center: Apply the rule for tickets from all or specific one call centers
- By ticket type category: Apply the rule for tickets from all or specific ticket type categories
- Close the ticket by copying the response from the previous ticket
- By one call center: Apply the rule for tickets from all or specific one call centers
- By ticket type category: Apply the rule for tickets from all or specific ticket type categories
- By the response of the previous ticket:
- Apply the rule for the new ticket without checking the response of its previous ticket
- Apply the rule for the new ticket if its previous ticket has one of the responses selected below
- Choose responses
For old versions of tickets - Don't apply any ticket update rule
- Close all old versions of the ticket with the response selected:
- Choose a response from the list
- Checkbox:
- Checked: Only close tickets with the same ticket number
- Unchecked: Close tickets regardless of the ticket number
- Don't auto-close tickets with these ticket type categories: Use ticket type categories to create exceptions to the auto-close rule
- Click Save
If a new ticket has the same ticket ID (or reference ticket ID) as an existing ticket, the system applies this rule as below. If auto processing rules or process automation rules are not used, both tickets are handled normally.
- Click Configure Auto Process by Ticket ID
On the Configure Auto Process by Ticket Number Option page, choose the rule for new tickets
Rule When a new version of a ticket is received - Don't dispatch the ticket by ticket ID
- Dispatch the ticket by ticket ID to the folder, locator, or contractor of other ticket(s) if the following conditions are met:
- There are open tickets with the same ticket ID
- All open tickets with the same ticket ID are in the same folder, or assigned to the same locator or contractor
- Ticket has these registration codes
- Click Save