Excavator Summary

Excavators are the companies or individuals who call in dig requests to one call centers.

 In UtiliSphere an excavator is often added to the system when a company needs to:

  • Note that the excavator is non-compliant
  • Override the positive response to the excavator contact information from the ticket by allowing you to specify the recipient at the excavator and the method of contacting them (phone, email, fax, SMS text message)
  • Add special notes that appear on the Ticket Summary page for the excavator

Processing Order

When a one call center sends a ticket, the system takes the excavator name and contact or caller information and attempts to match them to an excavator and excavator contact in the system. If a match is found, this processing order is used to determine the contact information:

Processing Order Source of Contact Information Description
1 Excavator Contact If the excavator and contact information from the ticket match an excavator and one of its contacts in the system, then the contact's information from the system is used to send the response according to the Rules for Sending Positive Response to this Contact
2 Excavator If the excavator from the ticket matches an excavator in the system, then the system sends the response according to the Rules for Sending Positive Response to this Excavator (below).
3 Excavator contact information from ticket

If there is no excavator in the system to match the excavator on the ticket, the system uses excavator contact information (phone, email, fax) on the ticket and applies the system rules (processing order):

  1. Email
  2. Fax
  3. Phone


Column Description
Damage Rate The number of damages (damage forms) divided by the number of tickets between the damage dates. See Field Names for Damages
Excavator The companies or individuals who send in dig requests to a one call center
Non-Compliant The definition of a non-compliant excavator varies by company. Contact your manager for details
One Call Center The one call center receives dig requests from excavators and sends them to your company