Screen Configuration
Use the Screen Configuration feature to create screens that determine the fields/columns that appear on the Item Summary page (People, Work, Assets).
Screens are automatically available on the Item Summary pages based on the apps you link them to.
To configure screens for tickets, see Ticket Screen Configuration.
Default screens
The system provides a set of default screens for each user:
- One default screen for each Item Summary page (People, Work, Assets)
- One default screen for each app under each Item Summary page
Default screens can be modified, but not renamed or deleted.
Screen Summary
Screens are displayed in a list on the right of the Screen Summary.
Columns can be sorted alphabetically (A-Z or Z-A) by clicking the column headings.
To see a screen, click the screen Name in the Name column which opens the Screen Details page for that screen.

On the top menu bar, click System Management (
)>Administration>Work Management>Screen Configuration
On the top menu bar, click Tickets>Screen Configuration
- On the Screen Summary page, in the upper-left corner, click Add a Screen
- On the Add Screen page, fill in the General Info and Screen Fields sections, as below in Modify Screen, step 4

On the top menu bar, click System Management (
)>Administration>Work Management>Screen Configuration
On the top menu bar, click Tickets>Screen Configuration
- On the Screen Summary page, in the Name column, click the Name of the screen you want to edit
- On the Screen Details page, in the Tasks column on the left, click Modify
On the Modify Screen page, modify the General Info and Screen Criteria:
4a: General Info
Fill in this info and choose the apps the screen applies to.
Field Description Description The description of the item App The app the filter applies to:
All apps: The screen appears in the Screen dropdown list on Summary pages (People, Work, Assets)
Specific app: The screen appears only in the Screen dropdown list on the Summary page for the specific app you linked it to
Name The name of the screen 4b: Screen Fields
Define the screen by adding fields. The fields are from the app you chose in the General Info section; in addition to the general fields common to all apps (see list below).
- Click +Add Fields.
On the Add Fields window, check the fields you want in the screen or search within columns. Some fields need to be configured in the Description column.
General fields common to all apps (if you chose All Apps in General Info>App, above):
Field Description Address The street name and address number Assigned to The user the item is assigned to Category Defined by the administrator to group apps with similar characteristics City The city in the address of the item Close Date The time when the item was first closed Country The country in the address of the item County The county in the address of the item Created by The user who created the item Create Time The time the item was created Description The description of the item Due Date The deadline for completing the item (date and time) Due Time Status The status of the due time of a item Folder The folder containing the item. Folders are used to organize items Is Past Due Whether the item is past due Item Closed Indicates whether item has a status of closed Item Valid Items are valid when all required fields are filled in Latitude Parallels of latitude are lines parallel to the equator, measured in degrees north or south from the equator Longitude Lines of longitude run from the North Pole to the South Pole. Each is identified by the number of degrees it lies east or west of the prime meridian Past Due Time Amount of time the item is past due Place The official boundaries of the city Province A geographic and political unit (in Canada, Mexico, etc.) Related Items The items that are linked to this item Related Tickets The tickets that are linked to this ticket Scheduled Date The date on which work on an item is scheduled to start State A geographic and political unit (United States) Status The status of the item. The statuses Open and Closed are defaults in lists of apps (Summary pages) and in Advanced Search. Administrators can create custom statuses for each app Total Work Time The amount of time spent working on an item (start time minus end time per work session) Type The name of the app Update Time The date and time of the last change to the item (in item's History view) Work Item Title The selected Title for the item
- Order fields. Click Move (
) to drag and drop fields to put them in the order you want. The top to bottom order is the left to right order on the Summary page. Click Delete (
) to delete fields.
- When finished, click Save (Screen Details page appears) or Cancel to discard your changes

Task | Description |
Delete | Deletes the screen |
Go to Screen Summary | Goes to Screen Summary page |
Modify | Goes to Modify Screen page |
Use this screen | The screen is automatically available on the Summary pages based on the apps you link it to. See Modify Screen, step 4, General Info |

Once a screen is used, it cannot be removed from the Screen dropdown lists on Summary pages (Tickets, People, Work, Assets) except by:
- Modifying the screen so it links to a different app
- Deleting the screen from the system. On the Screen Details screen, click Delete.
- Change the group permissions so the group that no longer needs the screen no longer sees it. For details, see Groups